
Your gift will champion women and girls.

In 2024 Developing World Connections was able to provide support to more than 300 vulnerable women and girls. Donations to our EVERY GIRL initiative funded education, safe water, sanitation, healthcare and nutrition programs, including:

Women and girls are often the faces of poverty. You have likely seen the statistics that women have fewer resources and less power compared to men, and they can experience further inequality because of their class, ethnicity and age. Yet, we have also seen the difference made when women and girls can make their own choices.

Your EVERY GIRL donation can help...

Keep Learning Alive
Through Scholarships

$750 donation =
one year of school fees

Provide Better Sanitation
& Improved Hygiene

$500 donation =
one latrine built

Install an Eco-Stove for
Improved Safety

$300 donation =
one eco-stove

Buy a Bicycle for
Safe Transportation

$125 donation =
one bicycle

Donate Now

We appreciate your gift in any amount and with your help, amazing things can happen!

You can make your 2024 donation go even further! DWC's corporate sponsor, Vanguard Development has once again pledged its support by committing to DOUBLE THE IMPACT of gifts we receive before the end of 2024, up to $25,000.

If you'd like to donate by phone or to inquire about other giving options, contact us toll free: 1-866-458-8209 (ext 216)